Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Essence of A Woman, which Every Woman should know

While on my way to Delhi, at Bangalore International Airport, I got my hand on a book, that brought me a true inspiration and stimulated the feminist mindset in me. All this while , i have read this book some 2-3 times already and few stories are simply encouraging and amazing. They don;t fail to awe me everytime i read  .

I am talking about the book called " Follow Every Rainbow" by Rashmi Bansal. It talks about the incredible journey of women entrepreneurs who made it big , all by themselves. I have been following Rashmi Bansal's books - Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish and Connect the Dots. But this one is different. While the former takes you through the journey of IIM grads turned Entrepreneurs, Follow Every Rainbow, describes the journey of Women through the storm and emerging as a winner .Something that every Woman can or should be able to relate to. The book is all about the Woman Power, about women, some who were fortunate enough ,while  there are some, who had to fight all odds to reach to a position where they are today. The book is divided into 3 Sub categories , with Women from different walks of life categorized as Lakshmi/ Durga/ Saraswati . As the Hindu Mythology goes, Lakshmi ,the woman, born with the abundance , Durga , the warrior/ fighter who has to fight the enemy with in and out , and Saraswati is the one who is blessed with creative and Intellectual mind. 

Of all the categories, the one i personally loved the most ,was about the women who are the re-incarnation of Durga, because these are the ones , who were never detered by any obstacle or tough situation, but continued to carry on. Some were challanged by a bad marriage, some by poverty, some being the sole bread winner for the family.

Some of the quick take- aways from the lives of these Women are : 

1) A woman is stronger than a Man , in more than 1 way .
2) A woman , if sets her mind on something, she can achieve it no matter what.
3) A woman can manage her house, family and career well altogether, if she is willing to. she doesnt have to sacrifice one for another.
4) A woman should never lose her identity, because that is the only thing that is going to help her , when she has no one around to look up to.
5) A woman should always keep doing , or learning something that gives her happiness or instills confidence in herselfF.It may not always have to be for money.
6) A woman does get that guilt feeling when she goes out to work leaving her kids alone at home, but sometimes she has to do it, not for herself, but for her family.
7) While the society has set out the rule that men should look after earning money, and women should look after home and family, but if there is fair share of responsibilities between the man and the woman, then life becomes a lot more easy.
8) A woman should never fall victim to self -criticism and self-doubt because she can do a lot many things that a man cannot do. 
9) A woman can play all the roles of - daughter, wife, mother, a professional with elan, without complaining way bit. 
10) Every Woman deserves a Man, who can encourage her to follow her dreams and passion, who can give her wings, who doesnt get his ego hurt by the success of his wife, who understands her need to have her own identity that would help her in any unforeseen crisis in life.

These are my views that i have been thinking for long to pen down in my blog, but was not finding words to start the blog with. But the book came to me just at the right time, and i feel completely inspired, stronger and proud to be a Woman writing this down here. Because, we, the Woman are the sustainer of the world, we not only bring life into this world, but also nurture it and help it grow. 

Last ,but not the least, EVERY WOMAN IS BEAUTIFUL.

P.S. I happened to convey my respect to one of these women "Patricia Narayana" whose story is published in the book,it touched my heart so much,that i ended up sending an e-mail to her.I did wish to hear from her personally, but never expected that she would, given her busy schedule. But, as i opened my inbox, i found a Thank you note from her, and in her own words -- "
Thanks for your mail,when i had to face problems it was only survival,and children, and agony thru out,but after all these years in this male dominated society it  is not a cake walk,but when recognition and apreciation hapens all the troubles and tasks look very small.Thats what takes people like me to the next level,thanks for your mail and wishes "
I feel super delighted now, that i could hear from the lady herself. My respect for her is even more now. Thanks Patricia , for being such a wonderful, kind hearted woman , and hope many more women, follow your footsteps and stand for themselves.

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