Friday, January 7, 2022

4 ways to get successful professionally - beginners guide

Everyone wants to have a job that gives them Growth, recognition, money and of course self satisfaction. While some already figure out their careers right from the time they are in high school, there are many who continue to struggle to chart out a career path for themselves. While the former fall into the category of quick success and big money, the latter may have to keep struggling  for years to reach a level where they can call themselves as successful. For the youngsters who still are at an impressionable age , here are quick tips to become successful in your careers. 

1) Trust your parents when they say study hard, get into a good college and graduate because that is a stepping stone towards the world full of opportunities. Yes, if you have a reputed university or college tag in your cv, it helps in a way that you do not have to go out and search for jobs, your college will get you placed and you get a launchpad for a brighter future. 
Now, there are kids who do not want to follow the traditional professions but want to pursue their passion, may be in a different field, that makes me come to the next point

2) follow your passion - how do you identify your passion? A work or a hobby that catches your attention,gives you inspiration, you are excited to know more about the people in the same field , you have the conviction that this is what gets you excited about future, then be assured, your passion lies in the same. A work where you would not mind spending extra hours to gain mastery over, then that is your passion. Sooner or later you would be able to figure out, how you can be successful following your passion. Remember,most people in the creative people fall into this category. They decide to walk against the path which others are following. 

3) let us assume, you fall into the category of an average confused teenager or an adult who could not score good grades or get into a reputed college- how to go about building a successful career? You might be interested in a particular field of work, or might just realize much later that the job you are doing is not what you have wanted to do, now what to do next? 
Here is an expert take on this. Do not end your quest for learning, seeking knowledge. If somehow you are Unable to get a job of your choice, hang on, get the best from what you have in your hand, perform, deliver, work hard as well as smart, be sincere with your work. Consistency and hardwork will ultimately get you to the salary level which your " Brighter" Peers already got a few years before you but better late than never. Every individual has a different pace of reading a book, some finish it faster, some take time. Building career for late bloomers follows the same rule. All this while, do not put a full stop to your learning and keep trying. Connect with people who are into the job that you have always wanted, see what skills they have, and how you can acquire those skills. Get a multidimensional experience which your " Brighter" Peers already got from their college, you learn it from your job and from network. 
Again a lot of emphasis on building your communication skills. I have seen the most successful people are the ones who can speak confidently. These are the people who can talk their way up. Yes, a lot of effort is required for people falling into this category unless they bypass hardwork and jump to the fourth tip. 

4) Be smart, meet new people, identify opportunities around and grab it before anyone else does. Also, be open to take bigger risks, like changing your city, country, leaving your family, if that is what the situation demands. 
I have seen many backbenchers from my school, who were below average as per the defined standards, are now settled abroad, brought property there and are living a decent life. You do not have to be super intelligent, sometimes you should be there at the right time, and remember the right time  comes to the people who are keeping a watch on the right time and pounce on it. 

All the above tips require you to be well aware about your surroundings, changing job trends, global environment, and of course a lot of reading. Learning should never stop in this ever changing dynamic world. After all, gone is the era of secure government jobs where people got complacent with monthly payout which was enough to survive & save for the future. The rules around job and money has changed and so should you. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Goodbye 2021, Welcome 2022


Yet another year gone by, the year that saw a lot of trials and tribulations but also presented a solution to each problem and a lot of life lessons. 2021 was a second year of covid which on one hand took many lives but also gave everyone an opportunity to stay close with family and spend some quality times. Home trips which once used to be an annual event with a squeezed in itirinary had been a more relaxed time with family. Work from home became the blessing in disguise. 

Looking back at the 2021 personally had a lot of challenges with each month shouting out- " Take this now and deal with it". 

February - viki had severe abdominal pain which was later discovered as Gall bladder stone. 

April - viki underwent gall bladder removal surgery. 

May - Daddy diagnosed with Prostrate cancer with an option to slow down the spread through surgery and medications. 

June -  Daddy underwent surgery and recovered slowly. 

During the same time around we had to deal with  pesterous tenants who had not paid rent for the past 3 months and probably had plans to abscond without paying anything. 

Also, daddy' s health insurance cover got defunct due to non payment of premium and we were informed that there is no option to renew it. 

Lot of running from pillar to post to get these two things in our favour and it also gave a tough lesson "not to trust people blindly"

July - we found a match for Brother in law which seemed to be the perfect although the sixth sense signalled otherwise but because the two gelled well, we were giving in, only to see the ugly dark reality of the world and perspective of the next generation on relationships and marriages which appears to me selfish and " Me first". The marriage vows that once read " In health & sickness, till death do us apart" No longer holds relevance. I cannot relate to the new gen definition of marriage, relationships before marriage, short term flings but have now learnt to accept it. 

August - The alliance broke with lot of mental disturbance and arguments at home on what is right. Brother in law meanwhile secured a new job with a great package and bigger role. 

September - October - news about my company business sold out and the fear of job insecurity set in. Yes, the corporate jobs have an ugly face. The fight to survive begins. Basically how to grow money. 

November - December - The planning and approval of our land is delayed only to make us realize that all this while we were cleverly duped by a mediator. Another ugly face of the distrustful world around us. 

So overall a year full of action. Don't have any good news to write about but the only good thing that happened was that we were protected, saved and able to come out of all these successfully. Lots of observations about people s attitude in and outside family, learnings from life incidents and that we have seen so much that we are so used to it. They say when life gives you lemons, make a lemonade. Well that's what we did.

Hoping a brighter and better 2022.

Temples of Odisha -

 No fancy trips this time around but explored the essence of Odisha state and it's ancient heritage and temples. 

Once such temple was built in the 12th century , the Lingaraj Temple . With 108 shivlings and temples dedicated to different deities, the temple would connect you with the history of Shaivism dating back to 1000 years ago. 

Ananda Vasudeva Bhubaneswar

SakhiGopal Temple at Puri

Maninaga gumpha

4 ways to get successful professionally - beginners guide

Everyone wants to have a job that gives them Growth, recognition, money and of course self satisfaction. While some already figure out their...